10 Podcasts That You Need In Your Life

Information for the masses.

By Aundre Jacobs /

Radio stations are dead. It's a terrible thing to write, especially since most people reading this grew up in a time where the radio was actually a relevant source of entertainment. Nobody is interested in what DJ's have to say any more unless it's controversial, and they're highly unlikely to blast off at the mouth about anything because they're underneath more red tape than a classified government document. Plus, people are far more interested in tailoring stuff to their own tastes. There's no guarantee that when you listen to talk radio stations that they're going to talk about things that you have an interest in. Let's face it, who wants to listen to some dude using the airwaves to spout political propaganda when most of us just want to hear someone talk about Game of Thrones' theories? Back in the day, people didn't have a choice about what they listened to, but now we have podcasts. Whatever you want to listen to or learn about there's something available for you out there. Tired of listening to politically one-sided news reports? There's an unbiased podcast with all the information you desire. Want to hear people discuss all the latest movie gossip? There's something for that too. We've narrowed down 10 of the most informative, interesting podcasts on the planet so you don't have to go sifting through all the rubbish on the internet.