10 Porn Stars Who Made National News

You didn't know their names but you might have been familiar with their work.

By Jay Anderson /

Admit it - you're on the internet, so you've watched a little porn. No big deal. If you're of the right age and grew up online as many of us did, you fondly remember laughing at the "Adult's Only" age warning on porn sites while hastily clicking on the 18+ button, and you've probably even had a night or two with friends where you played a light-hearted round of "who can find the most messed up porn online." If that's not you - well, this article just might not be your cup of tea. However, if you're willing to stick around, some of these tales might just amuse you - while others are downright scary. When porn stars make the mainstream news, it's usually not for anything close to a positive reason. STI scares, drug busts, health problems, scandals, domestic violence - those are what we generally associate with porn stars, which is rather sad and stereotypical, because there's no question that some porn stars are intelligent, well-mannered members of society who just happen to like having sex on camera for a living. Of course, as a society, we put the spotlight on negatives far more than positives, so don't expect to hear any stories about porn stars donating to charity (but don't think it doesn't happen - in 2012, PornHub attempted to donate money to the fight against breast cancer, only to be rejected by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure charity. Hey, Susan G. Komen folks, you're fighting cancer! Who cares where the money comes from, it's cancer!). Let's get to it;