10 Problems Only Girls Who Hang Out With Guys Will Understand

"Please can we just listen to one Taylor Swift song?

By Rachel Bailey /

Let's just clear up a couple of myths: no, she is not a lesbian, and no, she is not working her way around them all on the regs. Being a girl who hangs out with predominantly guys means that sometimes you have to make a few things clear so that people don't get the wrong idea about you. Hanging out with a group of men does not mean you also don't socialise with females. Chances are, you've got a thriving social life, with both guys and girls. Perhaps you just prefer the company of men to avoid the inevitable situations that come up with girls. Like bitchiness. Or possessive relationships. Maybe your group of guys are more reliable than any girlfriends you might have had. Or perhaps your personality traits just fit in a little better with those of men, rather than women. Others might class you as a 'tomboy' - but spending most of your time with dudes doesn't mean you don't get dressed up in little dresses, or wear make up whenever you want, or still go for a bikini wax whenever it's necessary. It just means that the atmosphere when hanging out with your male friends is more chilled out, less intense, or more fun. It's hard though, because when you're a girl amongst a gang of penis-wielding individuals, sometimes you have to prove yourself to get past other people's preconceptions of you. Oh and there a whole tonne of other negatives as well.