10 Really Lousy Writers Who Inexplicably Sell Loads Of Books

By Robert Grimminck /

It's hard to tell why certain books sell incredibly well when other books sit on the shelf for years. There are some great artistic writers who struggle to pay the rent while some hacks win the literary lottery and sell millions of copies. As you can see from this list an amazing writer does not indicate amazing sales. These authors are hindered with some horrible flaws like awful character development, terrible plotting and lackluster originality in their writing. Yet, they were able to become bestselling authors. In some cases, mega bestselling authors with massive groups of followers. In all fairness, I want to point out that none of these writers claim to be great writers or artists. They simply had a desire to write, they did so and as a result it was hugely successful for them. For their ability to write books that sell, they are greatly applauded. Having one best selling book is an amazing accomplishment, but all of these authors have multiple bestsellers. However, just because their books sell, it does not make them talented writers. Listed below you'll find ten authors who will probably never win any literary awards or achieve any esteem in the literary community but make enough money that I'm sure they aren't worried about what the critics say.