10 Things Jaws Fans Will Understand

You know that shark is fake but you still ain't getting in the water.

By Sara Weir /

Steven Spielberg is responsible for all of your irrational fears as a child, since you became convinced that Jaws would get you in the bath tub or at the bottom of your bed. People have also been wary of oceans, beaches and swimming pools since 1975, because all Bruce needs is a little bit of water and he's got you. It also doesn't help that when you go on holiday, the Jaws soundtrack in stuck in your head as soon as you reach the beach. Who knew that those two notes could evoke such terror? Whilst most people complain that the film has aged terribly, it's still one of your favourites and you'll defend that robotic beast until the end of time. It was also made in the 70s so you can't really be too mad at it for not reaching today's standards. And besides, they used footage of a real life shark attacking the cage so what more do people want? But there are a few things that bug you about the movie such as that terrible drawing of a shark on the chalkboard, everyone's inability to believe that people aren't dying from a shark attack (in the ocean, where sharks live), and the fact that producers believed that Jaws 3 and Jaws: The revenge were good ideas. But it's summertime, so don't let your fear of sharks get you down. Go forth, swim to that buoy and back and then live to tell the tale.