10 Things That Have Been Completely Ruined In 2015

Goodbye bacon, old friend.

By Brydie Lee Kennedy /

2015 is basically over. Sure, it may technically be November but December is a joke month. All that happens in December is that we start wearing scarves, return to habitual day drinking (under the guise of "the festive season"), make too many commitments that all involve turkey and engage in either Christmas or The War On Christmas, depending on our levels of heathenism. So basically, the part of the year when things actually get done is over. And oh, what a (terrible) year it's been. Many things we held sacred have been taken from us in swift and decisive fashion. Others have festered quietly for years before being completely obliterated by 2015's determined stamp. Things, people, events, food... everything we love was on the potential chopping block this year and 2015 gleefully raced through their executions with nary a thought for our feelings. The following 10 things have been ruined by 2015 for a variety of reasons. Maybe they were always awful and we only just realised. Maybe they started out as good things but have been ravaged by time, just like our skin and our hair and our faith in humanity. Maybe, in some cases, it's for the best that we're letting them go...