10 Problems Every Unathletic Person Can Understand

Cross country in high school should be illegal.

By Sara Weir /

Everyone has things that they dread; some people dread seeing a spider in their bedroom or paying their bills at the end of the month, you dread exercise. You hate everything about sports; the jocks and their egos, the silly rules, the competitiveness and of course, the running around. You just don't understand why people would take a PE lesson so seriously... it's PE. It's not that you don't have any Team Spirit, it's just that you have other things that you'd rather be doing with your time. Things that don't include having to get changed around sweaty, naked people, getting sweaty yourself and having to throw a ball into a net. In the grand scheme of things, what is that going to achieve for you? It takes you around twenty three attempts anyway. You believe that there are better ways of bringing people together for team bonding, not everything has to revolve around sports. And you're baffled as to why the world is obsessed cheering for people who get paid an extortionate amount of money to simply kick a ball. Whilst you'd like to believe that your destiny is to make scientific breakthroughs and win the Nobel Peace Prize as opposed to any World Cup, it's really just because you weren't exactly blessed with hand - eye coordination, or any coordination at all for that matter. When you were created, they must have ran out of 'brawn' ingredients, but you'd like to think that they were extra generous with the 'brain' mixture. The truth is, you're just not a fan of sports and wish that people would just stop trying to get you involved in things that you simply don't care for. So if you are the epitome of 'unathletic,' remember that you are not alone. There are others like you.