10 Unclaimed Treasures That Would Make You Filthy Rich

Fetch your treasure ship, there are billions in gold waiting under the waves.

By Thomas Wesson /

From Indiana Jones (the good) through to National Treasure (the not so good), films have often played upon the desire that resides in every single young boy that never really grew up, but only grew taller. The dream of finding untold treasure hidden away in a dusty tomb or a missing galleon filled to the brim with solid gold coins unseen for hundreds of years is a powerful one. To this day, people make careers out of gambling everything they have, buying a ship and heading out on the open waves with little more than hope and a rumour to guide them - only to return months later, haggard and with eyes filled with horror, clutching a single golden cup or a small, delicate emerald ring worth half a billion dollars alone. It is these real life mavericks who inspire the films, and the games like the Uncharted series or Tomb Raider; these mavericks who really go out there and find the treasures thought forever lost. There are plenty of examples of people who made their fortune with a single find. Even some of the entries in this article are only the remaining treasure that wasn't salvaged at the time of discovery, and was then lost again, waiting for a courageous person to come and claim what is theirs. If you have a taste for adventure, and a desire to become richer than Croesus, then click next and see where to start digging!