10 Weirdest Celebrity Family Relationships

Turns out with money, you can pretty much be with anyone.

By Jay Anderson /

The cult of celebrity has essentially taken over a huge part of our news cycle, and we know more about the lives and goings on of famous people than ever before - including way too much about their love lives, family lives, and personal issues. Some of it is interesting, most of it is tabloid fodder, and none of it really impacts our lives, yet for some reason we can't seem to look away. What always seems to catch our attention, however, is the weird stuff. The stories that are legit, but strange. The type of stuff that's practically written with a Fark headline in mind. There's no shortage of that type of news. Maybe we should feel a little guilty, peering into the lives of others that way, and often times judging them without knowing the whole story. Probably we should, at least a tiny bit. Still, before you think "well isn't this article just going to further that" - which could be a valid criticism - consider that, in most cases, it's the celebrities themselves that are putting a lot of this info out there. We're not digging up any new dirt really, just looking at what the rich and famous are already doing right out in the open. So with that in mind, lets take a look at the ten weirdest celebrity family relationships - that we know about, anyway.