11 Most Pointless Scientific Studies Ever

Turns out you *can* turn chickens into dinosaurs.

By Stevie Shephard /


Scientists do some truly great work. They nobly throw themselves onto the alter of knowledge in order to further our understanding of the world around us.


Well, some of them do.

If these studies are to be believed, then there are a lot of scientists out there who spend a lot of their time, to use the technical term, arsing about.


Now, perhaps these scientists genuinely believe that what the world needs is a better understanding of the yawning habits of red-footed tortoises, or the average peeing speed of mammals. Either that or their boss was in the lab one day and they had to come up with something to make them look busy.

Either way, we now have a rich and varied pool of useless knowledge thanks to the hard work of these scientists, diligently answering all the questions that no one was asking.
