11 Questions That All Twenty Something Girls Are Tired Of Hearing

You've never blared Bon Jovi's 'It's My Life' as much as you have in your twenties...

By Sara Weir /

As a teenager, you were determined that you didn't need anyone but yourself because you knew everything. Your parents were always wrong and high school was the hardest thing that life could have thrown at you. You had to get up early, get your homework done and still manage to have a decent social life - did your teachers not understand that you had a life beyond academics? This was until you decided to either go to University or work full time as soon as you finished high school, and it was then that you realised just how wrong your teenage self was. You're now in your twenties and you have no idea what path your life is going to take you down. You're unsure of what it is you want to do or where you want to live, but the one thing that you're certain of is the person that you want to be. Your twenties are essentially the years that you discover yourself and usually it's around the same time that you find out that no one else knows what they're doing with their live either. All this time, you believed that your parents were invincible and knew everything, but the fact that they've been winging it this entire time feels like a bit of a let down. It just proves that no one will really know the answers. Which is why you should be searching for your own in your twenties, however, this doesn't stop your elders from interfering in your life (as always)...