11 Reasons Why Sleep is Just the Best

Make sure you're catching them zzz's!

By Mattressman.co.uk /

Sleep can make anything better. Don€™t believe us? Well, we€™ve come up with eleven different reasons why having a snooze is one of life's greatest and most rewarding pleasures. From the pure tranquility and even thrill of cool dreams, to the genuine health benefits of burning calories and reducing stress, sleep can quite literally make everything better. If you€™re one to spend as little time as possible with your eyes closed, you€™re really missing out. Sleep can do wondrous things to your brain, body and even your social life, so start getting those eight hours and you€™ll be reaping the rewards in no time. If you€™re an avid sleeper who spends more time with pillows than people€ We salute you.