12 Objects You Won't Believe Showed Up In Rectal X-Rays

"Honestly doctor, I have no idea how that torch got up my rectum!"

By Andrew Dilks /

There's a wonderful story which may or may not be true in which a vicar went into hospital with a bottle of salad cream inserted into his rectum. Without any prompting from the nurses he entered into a long monologue trying to explain how it had gotten up there. According to the vicar he had returned home from shopping to discover he'd locked himself out - after putting his shopping bags on the lawn he claims to have climbed a ladder and tried to enter the house through a window, but his trousers had slipped down around his ankles causing him to fall towards the bag of shopping, straight onto the offending bottle of dressing. Whether or not this is an urban legend, it highlights the many justifications those in the medical profession have heard over the years when people - for one reason or another - find unusual foreign bodies floating around inside their rear ends. Precisely how and why these strange items ended up where they did is usually only something the recipient will truly know. Here are 15 of the most bizarre objects ever x-rayed inside a person's rectum - whether or not anyone believes their excuses is another story altogether...
