12 Pranks To Play On An Angry Boyfriend

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

By M.L. Gabriel /

Everyone who's been in a long-term relationship knows the scenario. You meet, you date, you fall hopelessly in love with one another, you move in together, you get on one another's nerves, you argue, one of you ends up on the couch and the next day you make up. That's part of being a couple, isn't it?


Sometimes in a fuel of rage you feel like lashing out at one another, despite learning time and time again that keeping quiet really is the best thing for you both (it also prevents any nasty breakups from happening). So you have your hands tied. You have all this anger and no idea how to get rid of it. You could scream into a pillow, throw an egg out of the window or listen to some calming music, but you really just want to lash out, don't you?

Sometimes some sweet revenge is all it takes to diffuse tension and get you back to the love zone, as strange as that may sound. There is a solution, ladies and it's called "Pranking".

Now you might want to make sure your guy has a sense of humour - if he doesn't then why are you with him? - if you're going to attempt any of the following stunts on him. 

But be warned; he will be mad at first. Livid probably. Eventually though, he will see the light. Maybe.

Here are 12 (relatively childish, but still rather innocent and funny) pranks to pull on an angry boyfriend...

12. Pop Rockin' It

His Anger Level: 3/10


What To Do: If your boyfriend is a snorer, then while he's sleeping put a tiny bit of Pop Rocks or sherbert into his mouth. Once they start to pop, he will wake up dazed and confused before freaking out.

Verdict: Be sure to stay very far away from him when he wakes up because he might jump up and accidentally knock you on his way to the nearest bottle of water or tap. 

Once he realizes what's happened he will probably laugh it off and go back to sleep (depending how mad he was before you pulled the prank).
