12 Questions Stand Up Comics Hate Being Asked

"How come I've never heard of you?"

By Regina Falange /

Unpaid gigs, late nights, empty shows, hecklers, harsh critics, tough promoters, handing out flyers in the rain, concerned family members who just don't understand why you're putting yourself through all of this...Welcome To The World Of Stand Up Comedy. With comedy becoming recently highlighted in the press a lot more recently with it's links to psychosis, or as Gordon Claridge of the University of Oxford's department of experimental psychology says "The creative elements needed to produce humour are strikingly similar to those people with psychosis - both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder," it's not surprising the comedy world is constantly on the edge of a breakdown. Over 100,000 performers world wide are taking to the stage to perform at different levels from Newcomer to Comedy Superstar they all know it's a long and hard road to the top. With the average comedian having to gig for at least 3-5 years before they hit the big time they will come across a lot of people who might not respect or understand just how long this journey may take. So we bring to you the most hated but sadly also the most hated questions stand-up comics are really getting sick of hearing...

12. 'Are You Funny?'

'Are you funny?' or 'Are you any good?' is one of the most over-heard comments for comics. Imagine if this was used just as casually in any other line of work, 'oh you're a surgeon? Wow, any good or is there quite a high death rate?'