12 Reasons Why London Is The Worst At Christmas Time

Less a holiday more a festive mess! Article not written by Scrooge.

By Samantha Baines /

Everyone loves the Christmas season: the presents, the decorations, the parties and even a little goodwill towards all men (and women) but what Londoners do not love is 'Christmas Madness'. Starting in early December and runs right up to Christmas Day this is a time when London becomes less of a cultural and business hub and more of a twinkling chaotic mess. Imagine untangling last year's Christmas tree lights by light of your phone whilst stuck in the loft and you might begin to understand the frustration Londoners feel during this holiday season. Day-to-day life must carry on. Londoners are well aware that Christmas is coming but until Santa dons his suit, London dwellers still have to buy coffee, do a food shop and go to work. Non-Londoners please stand to one side and let the UK€™s capital go about its business. Dressing up as Santa, singing carols and putting cinnamon on everything is fine but why do all these things have to happen on every London corner? Without sounding too grumpy: you are ruining Christmas for Londoners and here are 12 reasons why.