12 Secrets Girly Girls Will Never Tell You

We might look put together, but really we just want to roll around in a muddy field like anyone else.

By Rachel Bailey /

What makes a girly girl? Perfect makeup and pristine hair? Being at one with your feminine side? Screaming when boys come too close? It's all too easy to make sweeping assumptions when you meet a girl who seems overly in touch with her inner goddess, but actually we're not as put together or as intimidating as we make out. The main comparison to a girly girl is probably a tomboy - and both of these female stereotypes can be easily picked apart in order to dismiss assumptions about women taking on characteristics from each 'category'. However, if we're looking at overly feminine females, the stereotypical girly girl will usually always be perfectly covered in makeup, shriek when she stands in a puddle, prefer skirts and dresses over trousers, rarely swear in public, wear cute matching clothing combos, and generally just act like a total Disney princess. However, it's all a TOTAL SHAM. Sure, a girly girl might take time on her appearance to enhance her femininity and dismiss the idea of leaving the house looking a mess (she's got expectations to uphold, remember - you know, those ones she set herself), but she isn't a one dimensional character. She's a real life human being, not a Barbie doll. Here are 12 secrets you should know about the girliest of girls, in order to put any preconceptions you had about them to one side.