12 Style Hacks That Will Change Your Life

Got dirty shoes? Problem. Got some bread as well? Problem solved.

By Tor Bainbridge /

The world of fashion is becoming more and more expensive; you know it, I know it, your poor smouldering debit card knows it. But it's not just must-have items that are draining your bank balance these days, caring (and repairing) for them usually requires a big dip into the old coffers too.


Most fabrics have been around for hundreds of years though, and in that time our ancestors have worked out how to keep them shiny and new without dropping huge sums on 2015's best cleaners. So take matters into your own hands.

Some of these tips and tricks may help you breeze through this difficult time and help you to make the most of items you already have in your wardrobes and cupboards, and remove stains to make your clothes last that bit longer...

12. Use Shaving Foam To Remove Make Up Stains

Lets paint the picture; that white shirt you've needed in your life for months has finally gone into the sale, you waltz to the till like an agile peacock, you buy your new shirt with a look of happiness and pride, march it home put it on and...oh... there's foundation on the inside of the collar. Not only are you thinking "what disgusting human has left this in my shirt" but you're also thinking "I was going to wear this tomorrow, and everyday for the rest of my life."


Well, don't worry, you don't have to put your crisp white shirt in the wash and have it go yellow just yet. Grab yourself a bottle of shaving foam and a couple of cotton pads, pop some shaving foam on the cotton pad and rub it into the stain. It might not lift straight away depending on how much make up is on the top but do this two or three times and the stain will lift out. Leave to dry (or if you're really impatient use a hairdryer) and your stain has gone. 
