12 Summer Time Problems Every British Person Will Suffer


By Chris Peet /

Not long now is it? Summer. Or the British equivalent of one. That is to say, all of the not raining or sub-thermal temperatures. All the time. Not long before the constant rolls of suicidal coloured clouds bugger off into the middle distance for a little bit to allow a brief respite of glorious technicoloured sunshine and blue skies. Believe it or not when dear old Mother Nature is in a good mood this charming chunk of rock that we call Great Britain can be really rather splendid. The air is warm and comforting, the panorama dazzling and summer colours explosive and vibrant. And before you know it you€™ll be hatching plans to eat undercooked meat off a BBQ and get loads of black bits stuck in your teeth, redefine the words €˜piss-artist€™ and display an excruciating sunburn that your psychotic mate thinks it€™s hilarious to slap every now and then. Despite its general loveliness, the great British summertime is not without its faults. From the wildly erratic weather patterns to the general population's affinity for public displays of borderline nakedness, here are a handful of problems we Brits have to put up with in order to enjoy a few days of not being cold...