12 Things People Who Work In Sales Will Understand

"No, my life is not like The Wolf Of Wall Street and yes, I wish it were."

By Sara Weir /

Depending on the kind of person that you are, you'll either flourish or completely fail at working in sales. It's true that you really do need the gift of the gab when working in this type of field and if you're a charming, good looking extrovert, then you're laughing. You enjoy your job because there's never one day that is completely alike and you thrive from being kept busy, although it would be nice if you could have a day off to just do nothing. Selling really is a skill that you have to practise because not everyone will start with introducing their perfect pitch. Of course, every client is different so you need to constantly change and adapt your body language, facial expressions, language as well as perfecting that handshake. In this business, there are a lot of names that you need to learn in order to develop that trusting relationship with your client, so make sure you don't mistake Brenda for Bill because that was rather awkward last time. You're very good at telling people what it is that they want to hear but when you first meet someone and they learn what your job is, then they can use this against you because they'll sometimes perceive you as being disingenuous. And as always, some of you are and some of you aren't, you all have different agendas and if your sales pitch can help you in the bar on a Friday night, why wouldn't you use that to your advantage? If you work in sales then there are a few things that you'll probably be able to relate to, even if you don't want to admit that your job has taken over your life and it's nothing like Leo's in The Wolf Of Wallstreet, damn Hollywood and their silly expectations.