10 Painful Questions People Who Work In Bowling Alleys Are Sick Of Hearing

You think working in a bowling alley is fun work? Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

By Regina Falange /

Respect your local bowling alley attendant as it's not an easy task. There's the people management, the lane maintenance, the constant sea of shoes returning and going out, the screaming kids parties and the mad late night drunks who seem as if they are on a group mission to bowl so high the balls will go through the roof. These groups need to understand just like Walter from the Big Lebowski, '-this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.' Your first day at work it's all fun and different, there is something quite lovely in being surrounded by people constantly having fun isn't there? Well, that's over in a couple of weeks. You begin to understand all the all the grease work and frustration that goes into it. Although the odd game and practising of your own technique is a bonus, you still never feel at the standard of someone who should be an all-star at the sport seeing as you spend such a ridiculous time in the place. The worst part of it all? Being constantly asked the same questions over and over again. Below are some examples of the painful repetitive questions that only people who work in a bowling alley really can understand...