13 Scottish Phrases And What They Mean

Yer bum's oot the windae pal.

By Sara Weir /

Scotland may be a small country but it's a proud one nonetheless, and being able to understand Scots can be like learning a foreign language (sometimes). If Trainspotting has taught us anything (apart from how dangerous an addiction to drugs can be), it's that the Scots language can be difficult to understand but when you do, you'll feel like a part of something great. With every region or area, there are different sayings, slang and accents that you need to come to terms with and if you're not Scottish, then it can be difficult to follow a conversation. You'll also be considered an outsider and if you're English, then be prepared for some friendly banter about how Scotland is the best country in the world because after all, without Scotland, the world wouldn't have Harry Potter or Irn Bru, and that's a very dark thought indeed. If someone ever calls you a bawbag, don't take it as a compliment but if someone refers to you as braw, then just smile and show them how pretty you are. Always remember that 'ken' is not an actual person and the person that you're talking to is not wanting to be Barbie. So if you hear any of these phrases when you're up North, then blow those Scots away with your knowledge and your ability to actually understand what they're saying. If you can understand Mac from Chicken Run then you'll be fine... happy travels!