13 Ways To Survive Disney's Magic Kingdom

Sometimes the most magical place on Earth is anything but...

By Jen Gallie /

Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom is the most popular theme park on the planet. On average, 52,964 visitors pass through its doors each day and during the summer months, or public holidays, the Magic Kingdom usually becomes crazily busy. But if you thought the crowds weren't bad enough, you mustn€™t forget about the red hot and humid summers, the out-of-control strollers, the tired and irritating children, the speeding ECVs and ludicrously long wait times. All of this combined can make a trip to the park a miserable experience if you don't arrive prepared. Coming up with a game plan is vital, otherwise you will find yourself stuck in a 90 minute queue to ride Splash Mountain surrounded by a sea of sweaty people and screaming kids quicker than you can say "how do you do". With 40 different attractions for you to enjoy at the park, you will need to get your tactics together if you want to conquer the Magic Kingdom. Prepare yourself well, because if you don€™t, your dream day out at the most magical place on Earth will very quickly turn into a nightmare...

13. Expect Crowds

If you're expecting to be skipping down Main Street holding Mickey Mouse's hand like in the adverts, think again. Not getting run over by a stroller is hard enough.