14 Celebrities That Need To Disappear Forever

"And if I never see your face again, I don't mind."

By Sara Weir /

With everything in life, there are going to be some people that you have to tolerate more than others. Unfortunately for you, these people are famous and it's not like you have a block or a delete button that will allow you to erase them from your life. They're EVERYWHERE. On the radio, on the news, in the newspapers, they're the topic of conversation amongst your friends and no matter how hard you try, you cannot escape Miley Cyrus' tongue. You're not even sure why half of these people are even famous at all. The majority of them seem to be famous for making a sex tape (and they're more beige than your own sex life), they don't have any talent in their field and although they're good looking, they're ridiculously stupid. Somehow, these people are the role models for children across the globe. Although it isn't fair that celebrities have their personal life splashed across the front pages and their divorces are considered news, some of them just don't help themselves. If your marriage is going to end after thirty six hours of it being made legal, then why are you getting married in the first place? It can't be for true love so you're either completely voldemortal, doing it for the publicity, or it's the biggest case of mistaken identity in the world. You wouldn't mind if these celebs were actually decent human beings but considering they're annoying, can't sing and are a bit of a nasty pasty in the real world, it really does start to take the biscuit. You're convinced that is you were ever burdened with a celeb lifestyle, you certainly wouldn't be as arrogant or narcissistic as half the people on this list, probably.