14 Perfect Inspirational Disney Quotes You Should Live By

They may be not be real, but damn they know how to feel.

By Sara Weir /

Most of you will have grown up to love Disney movies with your entire being and every fibre of your souls, and will see the invitation to decide which character brings you the most joy a diabolically unanswerable question. Probably similar to picking which grandparent you love the most: impossible. But with the inevitable Disney Death lurking around the corner in every movie - Mufasa's passing still being one of the most difficult things to watch ever - you've had to learn that life moves on for both you and Simba, no matter how much it hurts. Thankfully, as balance to the haunting tendency to break little hearts and haunt tender dreams, Disney have been very good at showing you ways to love, grieve, laugh, cry and how to continue on the great struggle called Life even when you sometimes want to give up. So thank you for making us strong and capable human beings. If you're struggling at all with life, you can always turn to Uncle Walt for a symbolic arm around the shoulders in the shape of some of the most beautiful quotes every released on the silver screen. And even when the skies are at their greyest, they are the quotes that you should remember in order to live a blissfully happy and peaceful life...

14. "If You Can't Say Something Nice, Don't Say Nothing At All." - Bambi

Spot on. Most people were probably brought up with their mothers shoving manners and social etiquette down your face so you didn't embarrass her when you went to your friend's house for dinner. It was also the number one phrase that she might have used to end all family feuds, probably between you and your siblings. It's really as simple as that; just be nice.