14 Things That Always Happen After A Break Up

Their names will become like poison and sambuca will be your best friend.

By Sara Weir /

The worst thing about a relationship ending is probably the break up of your daily routine. You feel comfortable and safe with one another and if you live together, then you know each other inside and out; you know their schedule. But when you take away that one thing that is constant and reliable, you become like a fish out of water and that's probably the reason most people regretting breaking up with their partner - because they now need to find a new routine, and starting over isn't always the easiest thing to do. The majority of you probably haven't experienced an amicable break up, and even if you do, there's still going to be some bitterness on one side if it wasn't a mutual separation. And of course, if it was a bad break up because you found out that your partner has been cheating on your for the past three years, then you're completely entitled to burn the mattress and take ownership of the dining room table. But because it's nice to be nice, be the bigger person. And even though your heart is breaking and you feel like you'll never be happy again, you should live your life by the words and wisdom of Miss Taylor Swift, as time can heal almost anything. So don't let them win. The best way to win at a break up is to learn from it and move on. It is also essential to binge eat and not leave the house for a fortnight straight after. So do what you need to do in order to get over your ex, just be careful not to get under them ever again.

14. You'll Make Tragic Playlists

Popular choices include: Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On, Celine Dion's All By Myself and the classic Alone... by Celine Dion. Basically, you'll have Dion on repeat with a tub of ice cream, you'll cry into your pillow and you'll think about everything that you could have changed. Humans are very weird creatures and when you're feeling sad, the only thing that can make you feel better is to listen to some tragic love songs and watch Schindler's List. Maybe just stick with The Notebook as opposed to Spielberg's masterpiece because every time you watch that movie, you know that you have no right to complain about anything in your life, ever again.