15 Awesome Names For Things You Never Knew Had Names

Be prepared to become the best Scrabble player in the world.

By Mavra Choudhry /

Ever get the feeling that there€™s a word at the tip of your tongue but you just can€™t seem to remember it? Well, there€™s a word for that. As it turns out, there are words for pretty much anything you care to think about. (There€™s probably a word for that too). Though it might seem in certain situations that the language is limited, it is really anything but: language evolves as its speakers evolve, and as the boundaries of our world have been pushed to our utmost capabilities, it only makes sense that there are words for all the bizarre minutiae €“ be they objects, concepts, or something else entirely €“ that has been thought up over these many years. Now, most people don€™t get up and read the Oxford English Dictionary for fun, and so they live their whole lives in the dark about some of the more obscure words that have been thrown into the mix without their knowledge. But for no longer €“ type some of these words into Microsoft Word and odds are you€™ll get a red squiggle and no suggestions. It€™s time to embrace some of the more peculiar elements of this delightful, frustrating, and occasionally flat-out bizarre language. (Take solace, English speakers: at least it€™s not German, where there is very literally a word for everything, and many more besides).