15 Awesome Pancake Day Facts You Never Knew

Pingu's woes, the Pancake Bunny and an aphrodisiac for poultry... why, it must be Shrove Tuesday

By Chris Waugh /

The inner child in everybody longs for Shrove Tuesday to come around each year - there is simply nothing better than having an excuse to eat as many deliciously decadent pancakes as possible. In 2015, that day just so happens to arrive on Tuesday, February 17.


Whatever the toppings of choice on each pancake - be they sugar and lemon juice, Nutella and banana, or even a savoury combination of bacon and cheese - every mouthful will be gloriously satisfying.

The tradition of scoffing these calorific treats every Pancake Tuesday was thought up by Christians, who wanted to enjoy one last fat-fuelled meal before embarking upon the fasting period of Lent.


According to the Bible, Lent commemorates the 40 days in which Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert being tempted by Satan before beginning his ministry - and devout Christians solemnly observe this period by giving up certain luxuries as a form of penitence.

Now, Shrove Tuesday - or Pancake Tuesday - is observed every year in the western world, although how many people actually forgo certain luxuries during the period of Lent that follows is up for debate...


Here are 15 amazing facts that help to make this tradition even more special...