15 Gruesome Torture Devices You Won't Believe Actually Existed

This really isn't for the faint-hearted...

By Sara Weir /

It seems impossible that anyone could ever go out of their way to create anything designed to torture, considering when you accidentally step on your dog you feel like the worst human being ever. You'll spend the next few days throwing them treats and apologising to them in weird, baby voices that probably freak them out if they thought to care about anything other than the extra treats they're getting. However, not everyone thinks like you and sometimes you really have to be glad that you were born into an age where you are able to walk down the street and not have to be faced with people being hung, drawn and quartered in front of you while people cheer. People are weird, but hopefully the public were just cheering and celebrating the fact that it wasn't them on the gallows or under the guillotine. Anything else is a bit unthinkable. Perhaps if the people of the Middle Ages had devoted less time thinking up of horrific torture devices. they might have worked out how to live together in peace. Fortunately for those who like to revel in the pains of past generations, they didn't, and the result was all manner of disturbing inventions designed for pain alone.

15. Pear Of Anguish

This device was created in order to punish both people who lied and homosexual men. It was also used on women who were accused of having an affair and those who "allowed" their bodies to miscarry a child. So basically, women were pretty much damned if they didn't and damned if they did. The device was put into the mouths of the liars so that it would break and tear apart their jaws, while it was forced into the anus of homosexual men and the vagina of an offending woman. Hopefully they cleaned it between different uses, but you just know they didn't. This was often done very slowly as it wasn't intended to kill the victim, it was mostly used as a sort of sadistic foreplay for the torturer who would go on to use other forms of torture afterwards.