15 Magical Hidden Easter Eggs In Harry Potter World

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

By Sara Weir /

Regardless of how old you are, there's a good chance that the best years of your life were when you read the Harry Potter books for the first time. Nothing can compare to the feelings of turning those pages over for the first time and not knowing whose side Snape was really on, who put Harry's name in the goblet of fire and if Ron and Hermione were ever going to get together. A lot has changed since then, but the love for Harry Potter has remained constant, swelling even as nostalgia begins to kick in. Just as JK promised, Hogwarts really has always been there to welcome you home, whether you're going back to the books again or watching the movies on your little screen. But now, with the combined power of engineers and creative minds working together from across the globe, you can actually go and visit a world where you'll feel even worse about being a muggle than you do already. Why isn't it real? If you're lucky enough to have visited The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida, you'll probably treasure those memories forever. In fact, if your house is on fire, the first things you'll grab is your wand and that picture of you riding a broomstick. And even if you have been already, there are still ways that you can enhance your experience and have the most magical time of your life. Feel free to ask the staff any questions as they have literally sat an exam and endless interviews to bag a job at the park. They're either lucky gits, got their hands on some Felix Felicis or they're Hermione wannabes. Either way, they're there to make sure that you have the most authentic visit possible, because it's all as real to them as it definitely is to you. Just make sure that at the same time you keep an eye out for these hidden secrets and easter eggs that will await you on your journey home...

15. A Few Nods To Jaws

Before Harry Potter World took over, the site used to be the home of the Jaws attraction which had been there for 22 years previously until 2012. Although most sensible people would clearly prefer Harry Potter over Jaws, Spielberg's 1975 Summer blockbuster hasn't been entirely forgotten as there a number of allusions to the movie inside Diagon Alley. The song Show Me The Way To Go Home which is drunkenly sang by the Brody, Quint and Hooper in Jaws, is the same song that is sung by the shrunken heads in Knockturn Alley. There is also a set of shark jaws in Mr Mulpepper's Apothecary, albeit hidden between some herbs and potions in the store. In the London Waterfront area, there is also a record store which has a record by the Quint Trio (a muggle band) on display called 'Here's To Swimmin' With Bowlegged Women.' This is of course a reference to the song that Quint sings in Jaws, and it's a bit risque considering the family friendly vibe that the park gives off.