15 Majestic Vin Diesel Dance Moves That Make Beyonce Look Like A Hobo

Nailed it.

By Simon Gallagher /

We get it Internet. You love Beyonce. She's majestic, spectacular, heavenly, and many, many more hyperbolic, over-sugared words that don't really mean anything at the end of the day, despite how many exclamation marks you add. But she's also got a competitor to be the new Queen B (and that is in no way an endorsement of the erroneous claims of young pretender Lorde) and it comes in the least likely form. Rather than a copycat with a fabulous wardrobe and astonishing hair, the new hottest thing in town comes in the hard and lumpy shape of an action movie star, clad in a white vest. Perhaps Vin Diesel was making an unlikely play to be cast as the lead in the next (and inevitable) Step Up movie, or perhaps he was just really excited by the news that Universal had just told him that Riddick is number one in the DVD charts, and they want another sequel... Whatever the reason, the Fast & Furious star was very excited indeed, and took to his webcam to show exactly what that excitement was doing to his large body. Naturally, he did what any self-respecting action movie star would do, and posted a seven minute long video of himself dancing, first to Beyonce, and then to Katy Perry, showing moves that could only be described by internet empowerment words with capital letters like Fierce, Unique, Magnificent and Joygasm. To celebrate Vin's happiness, we've compiled a run-down of his finest moves, which would make even Beyonce - heralded as the greatest thing to happen to the Grammys since someone told Pharrell Williams as a joke that mounties were so hot right now - look like a second rate street shuffler...

15. The Finger Whisk

14. The Good Guy