15 Problems Only Fitness Freaks Understand

Your body is your temple, other people are your temper...

By Regina Falange /

Wake up. Smoothie. Early morning gym session. Work. Evening Run. Weights when you get home. High-Protein Dinner. Yes, it's exhausting being a fitness freak. But when you finally get to check yourself out in the bathroom mirror and see how great you look - finally makes it all worth it. When it comes to fitness you know exactly how much you need to eat, precisely how far you should run and just what weight you need to lift to help you achieve and maintain body perfect. You have thrown out the common-excuses book and no longer hear your own mind saying 'I haven't got the time to train', 'I'm too tired after work' or 'I will miss today but work out extra hard tomorrow'. This is your life and you love it this way. Achieving the perfect body is hard work. There are no shortcuts or easy way around getting toned up, despite what every '5-day miracle diet' advert will have you believe. There's not many other activities that leave you feeling this self-satisfied and confident. You know everyone looks at you and wonders where you gather the energy from but it's become a way of life that you could never turn your back on and best of all - you love it! However, your habits of optimum health and high-energy living can sometimes come across as very bizarre and very alien to others. They have no idea why you would possibly want to be up at the crack of dawn ready to run for hours. There are many difficulties fitness freaks have to overcome, but you guess it's just another obstacle for you to leap over....