15 Problems Only A Middle Child Understands

Which one are you again?

By Jessica McWilliams /

Having siblings is awesome... most of the time. You've got partners in crime, and always have someone to have your back. However, just like everything else, there's a downside, and being caught in the middle of your siblings is definitely one of them. Some days you'll all be a group of best mates having a laugh and winding your parents up together. Other days (most days) you're at each other's throats because you just can't agree. You feel that you're the 'forgotten' sibling. You're overshadowed by the eldest, and you're parents are clinging onto the youngest being their baby, leaving you feeling overlooked. Life was so good until the little one showed up and changed everything: since then you've never quite got as much attention as the others growing up. You had to learn the importance of sharing, and dealt with the fact you'll probably never have your own room. Welcome to the world of 'Middle Child Syndrome'. Here are 15 problems only those who suffer from 'Middle Child Syndrome' will be able to relate to. Do you feel like your younger sibling gets away with murder? Or that your achievements will always be underwhelming when you're elder sibling has already done the same? Then this list is for you.