15 Questions That You Should Always Ask On A First Date

This is INCREDIBLY important...

By Sara Weir /

Let's face it, first dates can be absolutely terrifying, especially if it's a blind date or you've met them online. You're out of your comfort zone and you have no idea who could turn up; they might not look anything like their picture and you could get catfished. You're also always going to be paranoid that they're a Jack The Ripper fanatic and in their spare time, they like to make purses out of human flesh, so no matter how hard it is, don't ever lead with the "ARE YOU A MURDERER?" If you're the type of person who is always busy with life and don't really get much time to date, then you need to know if you're wasting your time or not. Of course you won't know if you're wasting your time until the you've both finished your starter and you think it's going to be the worst night of your life, first impressions do count after all. So you want to keep it fun and light because who has time for all of these "where do you see yourself in ten years time?" and "tell me about your childhood", sure, you'll get to know who the person you're dating thinks they are and who they used to be, but that doesn't help you out with knowing their present selves. You need the facts and you need them now. Of course the main factor that you need to consider on a first date is to just be yourself and you know, have fun with that person. You want them to see who you are, so just make sure that it doesn't turn into a formal interview, or an interrogation.

15. "On A Scale of 0 To Horrified, How Do You Feel About Nicki Minaj's' Bum?"

Ideal Answer: Anything between 6-8. Why: Whilst you want the person that you're dating to have an open mind about what it is to look feminine, you're glad that they think Minaj may have taken it a bit too far. As beautiful as she is, her behind isn't exactly natural looking and whilst you're glad that your love interest will like and appreciate your body for what it is, you're relieved that you won't have to get bum implants to make them look twice.