15 Signs Your Party Girl Lifestyle Is Already Over

Going out is overrated anyway.

By Becca Leighton-Cox /

Stumbling home with your 6 inch heels in your hand, eye lashes hanging on for dear life with a bloke whose name is maybe Tom or Tim or something - the party girl lifestyle has an expiration date.


Vodka slushes have been swapped for jogging bottoms, and scraped knees have been taken over by Netflix marathons, and the loud music and sweaty atmosphere just isn't for you anymore. But don't worry, you aren't getting old: it's just something we all have to come to terms with at some point. 

So if you find the night life scene boring, loud and sticky, or if you prefer a girly sleepover over being carried home, then it might be time to hang up that glittery mini dress and those killer heels. And whisper it, but it's totally okay to prefer pubs to clubs, to like going out on special occasions rather than 5 days a week.

Don't be afraid of admitting that your going out lifestyle is over either; if it's not for you anymore, then it's not for you. Besides, there is a lot more to life than going out and partying, like watching Gossip Girl, and maybe even being productive on weekends. 

If all of this sounds familiar, then sadly yours might just be up. Here are 15 signs your going out lifestyle is already over.

15. You Get Worried About Hangovers

Hangovers used to just be a minor bump in the road, but now they mean life or death. 


You constantly worry while you're having a drink "oh God, I hope I don't get hungover". You have way too much to do tomorrow. Plus you really don't feel like walking around like a Zombie, munching on junk and pouring vitamins down your neck. 

Hangovers used to be easy: you'd just drink through the pain - hair of the dog and all that - but that just doesn't work anymore. You just aren't immune any more, and that terrifies you. 
