15 Things All People Who Have Stayed In A Hostel Understand

Seriously, that was how you were raised?

By Paul R Stafford /

Hosteling is a great way to travel: you meet lots of people; you are never alone in an unfamiliar place; and high jinks are always on order.


However, people who have reached their 30s rarely stay in hostels. There are exceptions to that rule of course, but many people who have done the backpacking thing in their 20s are over it.

This is not snooty in any way, it is purely down to having learned their lesson(s). For hostelling is not without its down-side either. In fact depending on the hostel, there can be almost nothing but down-sides. In its own way this is part of the joy of travel. But not actually at the time.

At the end of it all you will be left questioning humanity and how some people can actually be completely oblivious to the fact that they are surrounded by other people.

15. Groups Of Lads Who Think All Local Girls Are Dying For Their Genitals

How they have that impression is beyond everybody else, but one thing is certain, the only cultural activity they plan to participate in is the international body fluid exchange.


There is something very sad and wrong about these people, and nothing beats watching one or two trudge in at 3am having failed miserably. Then you have to sit through an hour of them moaning about how frigid the local girls are.

Nope buddy they are just a lot smarter than you gave them credit for. It’s called self worth.
