15 Things People Who Aren't Big Drinkers Will Understand

"One blue WKD, please."

By Sara Weir /

Not everyone is an alcoholic and not everyone is as sober as a judge, and although there shouldn't be any judgements amongst friends or family, for the minority of you that aren't big drinkers (or choose to be completely sobre) it can sometimes feel like people look down at you for your life choices. So you don't actually like the taste of alcohol, so what? Things always escalate when alcohol is involved and although not everyone who drinks does so to get completely voldemortal, there are times when alcohol can bring out the worst in people and that isn't an environment that you enjoy being a part of. You still want to go out with your friends and family to socialise even if you don't drink alcohol, you're happy with some fizzy juice and some chicken. There will be times when you're over-ruled and you have to spend a few hours in the pub and you don't mind that, but there needs to be some give and take. Your friends and family can't expect you to do something that will make you unhappy just because they're enjoying getting a bit tipsy. So, to all of the little drinkers of the world, make your voice heard, if you think it's time to eat then you gather the troops and get some meat in your mouth.