16 Wonderful Things That Feminism Has Completely Ruined

How on Earth are you going to cope?

By Sara Weir /

Equality, the end of sexism and a fair share? How awful. It goes without saying that feminism is an important movement for both men and women to get involved with. That's sort of like saying not killing people is a nice thing to do, but the logic is getting lost somewhere along the line. Equal rights amongst genders seems like a basic, human right but people still continue to be treated like 'second class citizens' based on their chromosomes make-up. Because genetics bigotry has ALWAYS turned out so well. But there are still those who take upon themselves to tear down feminism as if it isn't a positive step. As if it is somehow ruining their lives to have to think of the people who gave birth to them, who might marry them, and who they interact with like decent human beings every day (hopefully) as the same as them. These people are idiots, whether they be men who order women to remain in the kitchen "for the good of the species" or women who claim to be feminists but who degrade and tear down men; that isn't feminism, that's sexist. Despite the painfully inevitable realisation that feminism or equality or whatever you want to call it still has a massive distance to come, there are already a lot of things that have changed for the better in a little over one hundred years so just think where we might be in another century down the line? Seriously, when is one human life worth more than another? Never. The fight for equality is a fight that affects everyone, and understanding why is the first step, which means addressing all of those lovely, mostly sexist things that now can't happen because of all you angry "bra-burners."

16. No Longer Needing A Male Chaperone To Walk You In The Street

You've been able to always get around by yourself anyway but being a woman, it was deemed inappropriate to be seen by yourself outside wandering the streets, simply because you don't have a penis. Or because - God forbid - an awful man might see you and take advantage, without the capacity for reason that sexual arousal apparently strips away. Now you have the freedom to do that without a buddy; you no longer need a man to walk you to the shops when you need some milk and bread on a Sunday morning.