16 Things All Lovers Of Spin Classes Will Understand

An hour spin class seemed like a good idea until you're actually doing it.

By Sara Weir /

Not many people understand how anyone could absolutely love spinning classes. Sure, it would be much nicer to spend an hour cycling outside in the countryside, surrounded by doves and unicorns, but life isn't always as kind as that. You also spend the majority of your time explaining to people what a spin class actually is, as many are convinced that it's a gathering of people who spin around for an hour. It would be the most of intense game of dizzy ducklings you've ever played in your life and you're certain that it would generate the same results - you'll still feel sick afterwards. Spin classes are for humans who are machines and also slightly sadistic. The classes aren't exactly easy because if they were, everyone would do them, but none of your friends will ever go with you to one so it looks like you need to find your own motivation to get there. As soon as you've set your bike up, you're ready to go and you really enjoy the session but with everything, it's physically getting there that's the problem. And that's because you know what's coming. So if you're a regular spinner, just make sure that you don't break that routine, because it'll be just as hard to get back into the saddle from a two week absence than it was when you were a beginner.