16 Things Only Bingo Players Know To Be True

Why does no one else shout BINGO?

By Sara Weir /

When you go to Bingo for the first time, you're not really sure what to expect. You're probably thinking that it's going to be a little room with cheap tables and chairs, some orange juice and custard creams on a table at the back and although you're fifty two, you're going to be the youngest person in there. But you couldn't be more wrong, going to Bingo is like going to a good party and coming away richer than you were when you left the house, hopefully. There's always a good atmosphere in a Bingo hall and no matter what people say, if you're a twenty three year old who goes to play every Wednesday and Saturday night, then there is nothing wrong with you. You know that you'll always have a good time despite how bloody stressful it can all get. You need to be on the ball every game that you're in because if you miss out on one number and you could have won a line or a house, you'll be kicking yourself for the next year and it's not just for the prize money, you're desperate to shout "ooh, that's a bingo!" You've developed a loving relationship with your dabber and you carry it everywhere with you in case you happen to walk past a Bingo house and you need your fix. There are a few emotions that you'll experience during a single game of Bingo and if you're a regular player, then you'll probably be able to relate to a few of these...

16. Getting Frustrated When Someone Else Shouts

It's a fix. And that person has already shouted before so you'll think that they're not paying attention and are quite frankly wasting everyone's time. There is nothing more stressful when there's a lot of money to be won and everyone is getting so excited that there are a lot of false calls. You know it probably makes you a bad person but you absolutely LOVE it when people make a false call. But then you're also frustrated when someone else wins and you weren't even remotely close, how is that fair?