18 Problems Only History Students Will Understand

Why does everything that has already happened qualify as "History"?!

By Chris Waugh /

University is undoubtedly the greatest time in any person's life - it is a period in which you can get to know yourself that little bit better, you can make new friends and, most importantly, go out drinking every night with no fear of the potential repercussions. However, not every student's experience are the same as their fellow university goers. Medical students have different frustrations to sports students, while English students have alternative bugbears to veterinary students. Yet within each faculty and subjects, students do share common experiences - they go to similar classes, get similar lecturers and learn similar things. One department in which this is most certainly true is History. History students in a lot of ways lead a fairly easy life - they have barely any class time per week, they don't have practical examinations, and they aren't necessarily expected to take part in extra-curricular activities. But History students - be they at Edinburgh, Manchester or even Harvard University - also share the same frustrations. (Largely) unfairly labelled as "book-worms", History students are regularly asked the same frustrating and demeaning questions - and for some reason are expected to dominate pub quizzes. So, here are 18 problems which only History students will be able to understand from their time at university...