18 Problems Only Short Girls Will Understand

Hey, so... how's the weather down there squirt?

By M.L. Gabriel /

What's considered short? Well, it depends on who you ask, but the majority of people will tell you that any guy who measures below 5'6" (1.68m), or a woman who measures below 5'4" (1.52m) is considered a pipsqueak... and it's not necessarily a bad thing. Many celebrities that we all know and love are pint-sized. Avril Lavigne, Salma Hayek, The Olsen Twins, Jack Black, Tom Cruise, Hayden Panettiere, Mark Wahlberg and even Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, are relatively below what's considered "average height" and yet, they're rich and famous. Enough said. While everyone knows that guys could still suffer from "Small-Man" Syndrome: a syndrome (whether real or not) that affects small men who overcompensate for their lack of height through acts of aggression, it's extremely uncommon for women to have a terrible issue with their height when they are extremely tiny, but they do exist. €œI am 5-2, and in Mexico it was very important to be tall," Selma Hayek once told an online magazine. "People used to say that the short thing was a deformity€ I€™d come home saying, Everybody teases me and I was really upset about my height. One day, I said, €˜Who decided that it€™s better to be tall? Why is it better? Am I less healthy? Am I less capable?€™" So what are some of the issues short women face on a daily basis?