If our brains were simple enough to understand, we'd be too stupid to understand them. Which is basically why we need life from another dimension to step in and tell us everything before we die, because, let's be fair, it's just damn boring waiting around to find out. There are many, many things humans find incomprehensible. Love and calculus are two of them. Then there's things like the fact people actually like eating buttered popcorn flavoured jelly beans (vomit capsules), and the craze resulting in masses of grown men adoring "My Little Pony". We're all for diversity, but come on - the world is mad. It's probably best not to get into depth about things like quantum mechanics, or the whole notion of "infinity" right now; as you may not have a mind left to read the rest of this post, due to the contents of your brain spilling from your ears. What we will go into are the laws of nature we can't avoid, and certainly can't explain. You know, like the fact the only arguments we ever win are the ones that happen 20 minutes after the real argument, when we're alone, in the shower. For all that is holy, WHY?
20. Why Your Signature Always Comes Out Like This
Remember when your parents had to sign a permission slip for you to go on a school trip? You'd watch them scribble a fluidly elegant signature and get it perfect every single time. Now, how far do you have to venture into adulthood before yours becomes the kind of signature you proudly scribble at the bank? Some of us obviously just aren't meant to be grown-ups.