20 Hilariously Weird Things People Actually Believed As Kids

Our hair never did get curly eating those crusts.

By Nina Cresswell /

The Internet is teaming with spoilers. Movie plot twists, TV revelations... pretty much everything you might not want to know is lurking on the web ready to be unleashed onto your unsuspecting eyes. Which is why we're giving you a warning before we land this next one on you. Santa isn't real. It's true - those dozen or so years you spent believing some ungainly chap sponsored by Coca Cola managed to squeeze his giant gut down your chimney and voluntarily leave you a brand new Super Nintendo were a LIE. If you wish to stop reading now it's understandable. It was a hard time for us all when we found out jolly Saint Nick was just our parents in their PJs, a bit tipsy from the Christmas Eve scotch. For those of you ready to embrace the realities of life after years of denial: let's take a look at some of the absurdly weird (and some completely logical) things Redditors admit to believing as wee ones. Some people thought it was illegal for women to use "Just For Men" hair colouring, some thought Dr. Pepper was the only doctor in the world, and the majority were evidently very baffled at the whole concept of reproduction...

20. Before The Knowledge Of The P45

19. Cows Crafted By The Gods

18. We're Gonna Need Some Scissors...