20 Mind-Blowing Facts About American Presidents

That moment you realise you've lost the nuclear codes.

By Tom Baker /

There are many ways to celebrate Presidents Day...presumably. The American holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honour of George Washington's birthday is functionally like a Bank Holiday €“ with some states also choosing to celebrate Lincoln and Jefferson's birthdays €“ but it's also a good excuse to bone up on some of your US history. Whether you're intimately acquainted with this history of the United States' governance or not, there's a lot you probably don't know about what happens in the White House. For every Nixon conspiracy that comes to light there are dozens more that are never made public, and for every Clinton-Lewinsky scandal there's loads that get successfully covered up. Then there's the really weird stuff. If you think that Ronald Reagan's public persona €“ the matinee idol-turned-right wing politican €“ was odd, that's nothing compared to what went on behind closed doors. Lyndon B Johnson might've been a good replacement for JFK after all. Plus all the presidents who have died by means other than assassination, the ones who were even worse to their spouses than Kennedy, the murders, the gambling problems, the barely-avoided apocalypses...here are twenty mind-blowing facts about American presidents.