20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola in vodka form? Now that really could take off.

By Chris Waugh /

There is not a beverage brand on the planet as recognisable as Coca-Cola, so dominant and popular is the carbonated soft-drink giant. Having first been introduced as far back as 1886, Coca-Cola has developed over the last 130years into the most turned-to fizzy drink of choice. Famous for its uniquely-shaped bottles, for its original logo that looks as if it has been handwritten, and also for its annual Christmas adverts that supposedly announce the arrival of the festive period, the Coca-Cola Company sells its products in restaurants, bars, vending machines and shops around the globe. Everyone may already know these things about a drink that is affectionately referred to as "Coke", but what shocking, surprising and interesting facts exist about the company that are somewhat lesser known? For example, which Class-A drug in Britain was originally present in the recipe for Coca-Cola? Why did the Coca-Cola Company think it would be a good idea to try and launch a new type of bottled water on to the British market with an advert that marketed it as "bottled spunk"? And, the question everyone has always wanted answered: if you put a can of regular Coca-Cola and a can of Diet Coke into a tub of water, which one floats and which one sinks? Well, read on to find out the answers, as well as 20 mind-blowing facts in all about Coca-Cola.