20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Starbucks

Which one of the 8,700 coffee combinations would you like today, sir?

By Chris Waugh /

Starbucks appears to be taking over the world, one coffee shop at a time. On almost every street corner in almost every city on the planet there seems to be a shop furnished in the company's trademark green facade. What's more, the company has a following of dedicated Starbucks goers who cannot let a day pass without getting their regular caffeine fix - be it via a Tall cappuccino, a Grande decaf americano, or even a Venti, skinny, half-shot, macchiato with a shot of caramel and a pinch of cinnamon. Although for the majority of the year the company's drinks are served in their unique, plain white cup sizes - everyone knows Christmas is coming when Starbucks reveal their traditional "red" cups. But how much do Starbucks aficionados actually know about the company itself? Do they know, for example, how many times the "average" customer visits an outlet, or how many times the most-dedicated Starbucks visitors go in every month? Or do they know why Starbucks has size names that include "Tall", "Grande" and "Venti"? What about the company's famous logo - do loyal customers know where the image came from, and that the breasts of the siren featured used to appear on all Starbucks products? Well, here are 20 mind-blowing facts about the biggest coffee company on the planet, Starbucks.