20 Misconceptions You Have About Britain

Because not all of us speak like the Queen and drink warm beer.

By Tom Butler /

In the last half decade or so, there seems to have been a growth in the number of anglophiles worldwide. Thanks to shows such as Doctor Who and Sherlock, as well as the recent success of the London Olympics, Britain has had an unusually large spotlight on it for such a small country. Britain's influence can also still be felt around the world, in the wake of the old British Empire. Because of this, many countries still feel an affinity (or resentment) towards our small island that once held so much power internationally. Despite the popularity of all things British, there are still a number of misconceptions that many seem to widely believe about us. From outdated stereotypes to unfounded myths, here's 20 misconceptions that you probably have about Britain.

20. We Enjoy Your Imitations Of Our Accents

As consistently hilarious as it might be to all you Americans out there, it gets old, fast. And you sound more like an Australian anyway. "G'day mate, let's get some bluddy tea and crumpits mate!"

19. Our Beer Is Warm

For starters, it's only really ale that's not served chilled. Plus, you'll almost never have it warm, it's served at cellar temperature.

18. You Can Say Or Do Whatever You Want To The Queen's Guard And They Can't Do Anything

While they're trained to not react to anything that isn't a threat, that doesn't mean you can just be a massive dick to them, as this guard will probably attest.

17. Fish And Chips Is Britain's Favourite Dish

You're not too far off about this one, particularly when it comes to the North of Britain. However, surveys have revealed that it's actually curry that's the most popular dish over here.

16. We're All Secretly Villains

No matter how much Hollywood tries to convince you otherwise, we don't spend our time waxing our moustaches and secretly plotting the end of the world.