20 Problems Only Brummies Will Understand

Because Pigeon Park is terrifying.

By Charlotte Grainger /

It is a fact rarely disputed that Birmingham is the finest city in all the world. The diverse nature of this stunning metropolis, along with the lively culture of music, means that it is the place to be twelve months of the year. From Digbeth to Broad Street and all that's in between, Birmingham is truly a land of wonder and delight. You simply cannot walk down a Birmingham street without feeling a buzz rush through you. Not as hectic as London, yet not as small as Manchester, Birmingham is the city of dreams. As with all things in life, the sweet comes with the sour. For the gift of living and being brought up in this haven, Brummies must bear a number of ailments. It is only fair that the people, who live in arguably the best place in the world, should shoulder some minor issues to even things out. That's called balance and where would the world be without balance? Ranging from slightly annoying to damn right infuriating, these problems are the unique mark of a Brummie. Sure, without them Brummies may be slightly happier and less stressed out, but over the years they've come to love and take pride in their problems. Like this beaut of a city, the problems that come with it are theirs and theirs alone...

20. Getting Harassed By Tourists At The Bull

WikipediaNo matter what time of day (or night) it is, if you happen upon the infamous bull, which stands proudly in front of the Bullring, you will find a tourist. Now, it's not always the same tourist (that would be extremely creepy), but there is always at least one there. It's not that there's anything particularly wrong with tourists, they're fine if you like that kind of thing, it's that the tourist will always be annoyingly taking a photo right where you want to stand. And, if you should choose to move, the tourist will too. Before you know it you're locked in a never-ending dance with this person who, for some inexplicable reason, has to take a photo of the bull before they leave the city.

19. Getting On A Bus Full Of Crazies

Michael Stephens/PA Archive/Press Association ImagesMost of the time you can navigate round the city with ease by bus. However, on rare occasions, the buses are not buses, but mobile lunatic asylums. You might get on the bus thinking you're just going on a trip to Snow Hill, when, in fact, you're about to embark on a trip of very different sorts. No one knows what it is about the Birmingham bus system that attracts so many strange individuals, but it does. From a man rapping to himself, as though he's the real Slim Shady, to the lady tapping a repetitive beat on the window pane, Birmingham buses have them all. The best thing to do is be quiet, avoid eye contact and get off the bus as soon as you can.

18. Walking Through Pigeon Park

FlickrUnless you're a teen rocker type then you will know that Pigeon Park is terrifying and not because of the pigeons. In fact, pigeons and parks have very little to do with the Pigeon Park. It's neither a park, nor a place where many pigeons congregate. The reason this place is so scary for anyone over the age of 16, is because it's jam packed full of teens with black eyeliner and big hair. If you thought 'emo' was dead, you we're wrong, because in the realms of Pigeon Park it's well and truly alive. All Brummies know that it's best to take the extra two minutes to walk round the cemetery (not park), rather than enter the world of the undead.

17. Trying To Explain You're Not Thick

Why is it that people assume all Brummies are thick? The moment they hear your voice, your card is marked. Trying to explain to someone that you have a brain, once they've decided that you must be a moron is a lost battle. Nothing sounds more stupid than trying to tell someone you're not stupid. The misconception that everyone who was born in the midlands is dumb, is exactly that, a misconception. Yet somehow, wherever you are and whoever you're talking to, once that accent comes out so do the judgmental eyes and the hilarious jokes about your IQ. Thanks guys.