20 Problems Only People From Glasgow Will Understand

Pure hoachin' this list, ken?

By Adam Clery /

Glasgow often gets a bad rep from the rest of the UK. Jibes about low life expectancy, teenage gangs, and shocking dietary habits crop up at the merest mention of the city's name, all an inevitable byproduct of a city trying to find a place for itself in the world in the aftermath of industrial collapse. The jokes are all lazy, but thankfully the good folk who inhabit the city aren't. Over the last few decades the decline of the shipyards and heavy industry has seen a resurgence in sciences and the arts, and Glasgow's now flourishing as a home of innovation and one of the trendiest city's in Europe to live in and visit. The city's universities are brimming with talent, the music scene has exploded since the turn of the millennium, and tourists who used to flock in for the tartan, kilts and shortbread are now pitching up for entire weekends of good cocktails and better cuisine. It's always nice to see your city get the level of recognition it deserves, even if Irn-Bru still doesn't. But, like any city, day-to-day life in Glasgow isn't without its minor annoyances. The clockwork orange is still a nightmare, whole areas are pretty much off limits when the football's on, and there's no shortage of wee bampots kicking about to ruin your day. These are 20 things that only the fair weans of Glasgea can hope to understand.